Engaging Constituents

Why You Should Create A “Why I Give” Page

Creating a “Why I Give” page on your website is a brilliant idea for two reasons.  First, when existing donors publicly voice their support and fondness for your organization, their engagement is deepened.  The psychological tendency that each of us has to demonstrate consistency will influence them to respond favorably to future requests for support. …

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6 Methods To Influence Donors

In his fascinating book, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, Robert B. Cialdini, Ph.D. explores 6 fundamental psychological principles that direct human behavior.   Using straightforward language and fascinating anecdotes, he unveils the mystery behind how we react to influence and offers valuable insights for those who rely on their persuasive ability. If you ask yourself questions …

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The Cause: The Power of Digital Storytelling for Social Good

BOOK REVIEW   Years of marketing and social media experience inform the advice offered by author Tania Mulry in her book The Cause: The Power of Digital Storytelling for Social Good.  Written in a conversational tone, this quick read is infused with inspiration and practical how-to advice.  Each chapter identifies a common challenge confronted by …

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Creating Sustainable & Self-Perpetuating Fundraising in the age of the Millennial donor:

The Challenge   Recruiting and retaining students (future funders) is an increasingly competitive endeavor in today’s higher education environment. Endowments are shrinking, funding at the local, state, and federal levels continues to diminish, and the projected decrease in college-age students over the next decade is alarming.  At the same time, the economy in recent years …

Creating Sustainable & Self-Perpetuating Fundraising in the age of the Millennial donor: Read More »