New Year – New Tools from Big River

Big River is always working to improve and refine our platform for online giving.  Based on client feedback and shifting needs in the nonprofit world, new functionality and features are released on a...

Apple ad – brilliant example of “show” not “tell”

In a former life, I studied literature and creative writing, so it’s no surprise the mantra “show don’t tell” is one that will forever ring in my ears.  When I see something...

Executive Guide to Nonprofit Success – Jan. 23rd, Cleveland OH

Sponsored by Howard, Wershbale & Co., the Executive Guide to Nonprofit Success offers a full day of presentations on topics ranging from website design to legal challenges confronting nonprofits...

Let’s Confuse Constituents!

I recently came across a great blog post from Dave Brock entitled “Let’s See How Much We Can Confuse Our Customers!” In it, Dave examines the dangers of building a “Go To Market Strategy” from an...

Rock Star Engagement

If you’ve ever been to a concert, you know that the opening act is in a tough position. Most of the crowd is impatient to see the main event and doesn’t know a single song. If the band doesn’t find a...

Cleveland Museum of Art Launches Mobile Membership Pages

Always forward-thinking when it comes to technology, the Cleveland Museum of Art has implemented mobile-optimized donation/membership pages using the Big River platform. With mobile web expected to...